
Granard Primary School

"Growing together; Achieving together"

How will I know how my child is doing and how will you help me to support my child's learning?

Class teachers are available at the end of the day, as are our SENCos.  However, this time is not always possible, so please arrange a meeting using the contact details above.


We hold Parents' Evenings twice a year. Parents of children who are on the SEN register are invited to a longer termly meeting instead, to review and discuss their child’s progress with the class teacher, English and maths teachers and SENCo.  Your child will be invited to attend this meeting and to contribute to setting outcomes.  This meeting gives you, as parents, the chance to look at interventions and what further support your child may need.  The information discussed is recorded on an Individual Progress Plan (IPP).


Pupils with EHCPs (Education and Health Care Plans – the old Statements) additionally have Annual Reviews.


Some children may have Team Around the Child/Family (TAC/TAF) meetings.  These are where specialists, staff and parents all meet to discuss ideas and actions to help support children and their families.
