Granard Primary School
Cortis Road
SW15 6XA
Telephone: 0208 788 3606
If a parent would like to request a paper copy of any information on our website, please contact the Front Office.
A full staff list is on our website | Contact
If my child finds it difficult in lessons
| Your child’s class teacher |
I have contacted the class teacher but there are still issues in lessons | Phase Leader (if the Phase Leader is your child's class teacher then a member of the SLT) |
I notice a change in my child’s behaviour relating to school | Your child’s class teacher via the year group email address |
I still notice a sustained change in my child’s behaviour after contacting the class teacher | Phase Leader (if the Phase Leader is your child's class teacher then a member of the SLT) |
Following contact with the Phase Leader, I was unable to get a resolution | A member of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) |
Following contact with a member of the SLT, I was unable to get a resolution | Mrs C Grigg, Headteacher |
Following contact with the Headteacher, I was unable to get a resolution | Chair of Governors via the school office or email |
My child is unwell and unable to come to school or is running late | Attendance Line on 020 8788 3606, press 1 |
I wish to talk to someone about School Meals/Free School Meals | Mrs D Sullivan, Finance Officer
I wish to talk to someone about Breakfast Club/After School Care provision | Mrs S Osunkoya, ASC Manager, |
I have a concern about Breakfast Club/After School provision | In the first instance Mrs S Broaster, School Business Manager |
I wish to make a formal complaint about a teacher | Mrs C Grigg, Headteacher |
I have safeguarding concerns / child protection concern | Mrs C Grigg, Headteacher |
I wish to talk to the SEN co-ordinator | Mrs M Zielinska-Pietruszka (SENCo) (Nursery, Years 2, 3, and 4) Miss R Pointer (Reception, Years 1, 5 and 6) |
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