Science at Granard
At Granard, we believe that “theory guides and experiment decides”. Therefore, as a school, we strive to develop a lifelong sense of curiosity and fascination in our pupils. We teach science using experiments and investigations; using high quality resources to enhance learning. As pupils progress through school, they build on their skills in working scientifically, as well as in developing their science knowledge and understanding. Pupils also develop their independence in planning and carrying out fair and comparative tests to ask and answer a range of scientific questions.
Progress in Science
Gaining scientific knowledge is key to our science topics. Important topics are revisited to revise previous learning so that knowledge is built upon.
Science is taught through exploration, observation, discussion and most importantly, through play. Pupils go on local nature walks, visit a farm and welcome visitors, such as ducklings and small zoo animals. They are encouraged to ask questions and to connect their new learning with existing knowledge.
Key Stage One
Pupils begin to learn science through a more direct style of teaching involving exploration and investigation. In Year 1, they apply their knowledge of weather to learning about the 4 seasons; in Year 2, they apply their knowledge about living things in their local area and beyond, and are introduced to animal-based vocabulary such as: camouflage, predator, carnivore and herbivore.
Key Stage Two
In addition to developing their existing knowledge, pupils explore science by using Investigation boxes. These boxes contain all the necessary resources to deliver a high quality scientific investigation… and they are also used to provide exciting demonstrations and/or experiments, which serve as opportunities to explore a key concept.
Demonstration and Explanation
Each topic includes opportunities for hands-on investigation and experimentation. The aim of these well-resourced investigations is to spark an interest in pupils to begin to ask their own questions, and further deepen pupil’s scientific understanding.
Investigation and Exploration
Once pupils have watched and discussed the demonstration, they plan and carry out an investigation.
In each topic, pupils are given opportunities to develop their understanding through exploration. This can be through building, or exploring with apparatus.
At the end of lessons, pupils reflect on their learning and use a knowledge organiser to ensure understanding. They are posed the question: “How would you do this differently next time?”
Assessing Progress
Pupil progress is measured through a child’s ability to know more, remember more and explain more. Evidence of this is found in 3 main ways:
Helpful Science Links