Wandsworth's School Uniform Support Scheme.
"Wandsworth are pleased to launch our School Uniform Support Scheme again in 2023. We want to ensure support is available for Wandsworth residents in receipt of Free School Meals (FSM), who are moving into Reception and Year 7 in September 2023, to buy uniform for their new school.
For those moving into Reception it will be a voucher of £40 and for those moving into Year 7, the voucher of £160 will be awarded.
If you have not yet established whether your child is eligible for Free Schools Meals then you can check online using the following website: https://pps.lgfl.org.uk/"
If parents/carers think that they are eligible, please contact: voucherandholidaysupport@wandsworth.gov.uk
Please ensure that your child wears the correct uniform to school each day:
If children have forgotten their swimming kit, they will be expected to use a spare kit supplied by the school and parents will be contacted.
Please make sure that all items of school uniform are clearly labelled with your child’s name, not with sibling names. Clothing will be regularly checked for names.
Children are not allowed to wear jewellery/accessories to school. Earrings should be small, close fitting studs. Other types of earrings are potentially dangerous and in accordance with Health and Safety guidelines issued by Wandsworth Council, are considered unsuitable to wear to school.
Pupils are encouraged to keep long hair tied back in school. Hairbands and other hair accessories should be blue or a similar dark shade. Pupils should not have extreme hairstyles nor dyed hair during term time. Any patterns cut into hair should be kept to a minimum and should not contain words.