Our visions and values are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our pupils as confident, happy citizens.
Granard is a high achieving, stimulating and energetic school. We promote equality of opportunities and are united in delivering our vision:
We provide inspirational teaching and learning in a supportive and creative environment which
enables children to achieve academic excellence. Our broad and balanced curriculum and a varied range of other opportunities enrich our children’s knowledge and life experiences within and beyond the classroom.
Our children are happy and confident individuals who feel safe and secure within a
nurturing environment.
We motivate children to become life long learners and encourage resilience, perseverance, tolerance and respect for themselves and others.
We are set in spacious grounds comprising grassy areas and well equipped outdoor learning spaces which enhance our stimulating curriculum and extra curricular activities.
We make full use of the wider provision of our local community, Greater London and the countryside beyond.
At the heart of a diverse and thriving community, we are more than teachers and children;
we are the inclusive hub for local families and the local area.
Our children are prepared to be successful and responsible citizens locally, nationally
and globally.
We foster respectful relationships and value all.
September - Respect
October - Responsibility
November - Teamwork/Co-operation
December - Happiness
January - Perseverance/Determination
February - Honesty
March - Courage
April - Friendship
May - Tolerance/Patience
June - Sharing/Fairness
July - Forgiveness
Promoting British Values at Granard
To ensure that our school is a safe, caring and happy environment for everyone.
To teach our pupils to be confident and independent learners enabling them to fulfil their true potential.
To work in partnership with our pupils and their families.
To develop our pupils’ intellectual, cultural, social and moral awareness.
To provide a broad and balanced education which encompasses good literacy, numeracy and ICT skills.
To promote good behaviour and encourage our pupils to strive for success through skilled and caring teaching.
To provide our pupils with a variety of extra-curricular clubs and activities to widen their experiences.
To create a culture within our school which promotes respect for self, respect for others and respect for the environment.