
Granard Primary School

"Growing together; Achieving together"


National Curriculum Knowledge Coverage

A range of exciting history topics are taught at Granard, which ensure coverage of the National Curriculum. Each year group study three units of history per year (see Curriculum Topic Map & History Summary). Many of these units link to English lessons and a key text. In Key Stage 1, pupils begin with more recent history, which allows them to draw on memories from their families. They then go further into the past to allow them to grasp the concept of the passing of time. By Lower Key Stage 2, children go further back in time to look at the impact of civilisations that invaded Britain such as the Romans, Vikings and Anglo-Saxons. In both Years 3 and 4, history is taught with chronological awareness in mind: starting with the oldest and moving forward along a timeline. By Upper Key Stage 2, in addition to studying periods of history that have had a significant impact on Britain such as Ancient Greece, Stone Age to Iron Age and World War II, there are opportunities to study a more diverse range of civilisations that have often been ignored in the teaching of history but are relevant to children growing up in diverse, multi-cultural London (i.e. Ancient Benin, Islamic history and the Maya civilisation).  

Details of the National Curriculum are on the History Progression Map, which outlines the sequence of key historical knowledge and skills from Year 1 through to Year 6:

1. Historical Interpretations

2. Historical Investigations

3. Chronological Understanding

4. Knowledge and Understanding of Events, People, and Changes in the Past

5. Presenting, Organising and Communicating.


Knowledge Links

Key history knowledge and skills for each unit are planned for and taught in a logical sequence, and where necessary re-capped, so that pupils understanding is developed and they are able to make links by drawing on prior learning when studying a new topic.


Historical Skills Progression across school

Each history topic begins by looking at a timeline to understand the chronology of significant events and civilisations. Children are given a topic map, which sets out the sequence of lessons, as well as a knowledge organiser showing important knowledge, which includes a word bank.



Class timeline outlining significant periods of history.

A selection of interesting books (and where possible artefacts) for each topic on display in classrooms.   

A range of technology including iPads, Chromebooks and VR headsets.



Knowledge harvest at beginning of unit: what do pupils know already / what they want to find out

Opportunities for pupils to self-assess through the unit.

End of unit assessment: what has been remembered.

House quizzes: pupils compete in their houses for the ‘humanities cup’.

At the beginning of a new unit: what relevant knowledge has been remembered from prior learning.


Helpful History Links
