
Granard Primary School

"Growing together; Achieving together"

How will the school prepare my child to join Granard or transfer to a new school?

All children when they first start at Granard are given a tour and introduced to their teacher, teaching assistant and any other significant adults.  They will then be buddied up with a classmate who will ensure they know where to go and feel happy.


Transition between classes is planned at the end of every year so that children know what to expect.  They spend time with their new teacher and support staff and in their new playground if this is relevant.


Teachers also have a hand-over staff meeting so that they are familiar with the needs of all their new children.


If your child is moving to another school, including secondary school, our SENCos will plan a smooth transition by working closely with the SENCo in the new school, liaising with parents, arranging transition visits and making resources with photos of new teachers. As appropriate, we will invite external agencies such as the Wandsworth Autism Advisory Service to support the child.
