A great way to help raise money for the school is to shop online with PTA UK and easyfundraising.org.uk. They have all the regular online shops, over 2,700 retailers. Just down load the app onto your phones/iPads and continue to shop online. Retailers give a donation to our PTA every time you make a purchase. Have a look – follow the link below and sign up!
We organise fund-raising events, such as:
Summer Fair
Winter Fair
Valentine Disco
Halloween Disco
Cake Sales
Individual fundraising events
All the money raised is put back into the school.
We have used money raised to purchase some fantastic things for the school, some examples of what our PTA money has been spent on are:
KS1 and KS2 playgrounds
Outdoor play equipment
Purchasing books and assisting with funding for our Library
Wet Play Games
All parents are PTA members.
PTA events are well attended by the families of Granard Primary School and we can only do these events with the help of parents.
We understand that not all parents are able to attend meetings during the school day, or can only help sometimes, but we appreciate any help you can give.
To contact a member of the PTA please email pta@granard.wandsworth.sch.uk