
Granard Primary School

"Growing together; Achieving together"


Spanish at Granard

Learning a language has a positive impact on a child’s learning, encouraging children to use their 6R’s as well as different metacognitive strategies to support and aid their learning.  Not only does it provide them with another tool in their toolkit but it also provides them with an awareness of another culture; improves their speaking and listening skills and makes them think about various grammar concepts and how they may be similar or different. 


At Granard, we teach Spanish as our Modern Foreign Language (MFL) in KS2.  Our scheme of work is designed around the children, drawing on their interests to create fun and engaging lessons.  By encouraging and promoting the learning of an additional language, we hope to stand our pupils in good stead for their future, both professionally and as part of the wider society.


Our vision is to spark their curiosity and start our pupils on their journey of developing a passion for Spanish and love for learning a Modern Foreign Language.  


How we teach Spanish at Granard

The children are taught Spanish once a week with the lessons focusing on the four key aspects of learning a MFL: speaking, writing, listening and understanding.  Children are given the opportunity to work on all of these aspects in each lesson.  A wide range of resources are used to aid them such as videos, songs, interacting with each other and written activities. 


The children begin their Spanish journey in Year 3 and build upon their prior knowledge as they move across the different year groups.  In Year 3, the children learn to introduce themselves and hold a basic conversation.  As they progress to Year 4, they look at different festivals which are held in Spain and Spanish speaking countries.  During Year 5, they focus on more complex grammar structures to help them.  In Year 6, they revise all their prior learning as well as begin to write extended pieces, using basic grammar, to discuss topics relevant to them.

Helpful Spanish Links
