
Granard Primary School

"Growing together; Achieving together"


Design and Technology at Granard

The Design and Technology curriculum at Granard aims to encourage children to become creative designers as they design and make purposeful products.  Our engaging design technology projects are taught weekly, every other half term and aim to bring learning to life in an engaging and fun manner by allowing children to use a range of DT skills, focusing on construction, mechanism, textiles and cooking.


During DT lessons children will be encouraged to use skills they have learnt in Maths, Science, Art, Computing and English to allow them to apply these in a real-life context which makes the learning meaningful.


We introduce our children to some of the great designers that have helped shape the world we live in to encourage them to develop their imagination and ideas about their own products.


Our children are given autonomy over their designs as they are responsible for selecting from a wide variety of materials while they design quality products safely.  Children are encouraged to evaluate their products along the way and use problem solving skills to help them adapt when necessary.


How we teach design and technology at Granard


During the design process children are encouraged to design purposeful, functional and appealing products for themselves and others.  Children generate, develop, model and communicate their ideas through exploration, discussion and drawing.



During the making process, children have the opportunity to use a range of tools and equipment in order to make their designs come to life.  Children are encouraged to select their own tools and equipment for this.



During the evaluating process children are given opportunities to explore and evaluate a range of existing products to support them with the design process.  Children are also encouraged to evaluate their own ideas and products against the specific design criteria for their project.

Useful DT Links
